Sunday, 15 February 2015

Acne Wishlist

I've recently had a...totally healthy...(ish) obsession with acne studios. WAIT. Before I go any further, for people who don't know, let me explain. Acne Studios, is a clothes line not a company that helps you get through your spotty troubles. So now that that's out of the way, let's get on! As i was saying, I have been pretty obsessed with their clothes. The horrible thing is, Acne is a bit...pricey so if I actually wanted to buy anything I would have to save up for like a year. So instead, I just fangirl and drool over their website. My wishlist is carefully planned as that's pretty much all I can do.
I am obsessed with these shoes right now, I literally love them too much. Forget boys, let's date shoes. These are so expensive for me but anyone who has enough money to buy these, I recommend it, they have a pixel straight face on the laces which you can't really see from the angle of the picture. ( Just some help, if you are interested in these shoes and click on the link, when it says 300gbp, it means £300 as in 300 Great British Pounds. 
We are looking at the cardi here. I really like this "melange" ( a cardi's a cardi to me). I'm quite fond of the texture and it looks like you would be able to wrap it all around yourself, it's one of those things that are baggy so they are really comforting and warm but not so baggy that it looks like you bought at the beginning of an intense weight loss plan but you can't bear to part with it. again, this 300gbp so I'm okay with sticking to fangirling over their website. 
Just to be clear, this is under "Shop Women" so don't even bother asking why the model is a man. I actually really like this scarf. I'm really fond of fringed scarfs because they kind drift away at the ends instead of chunky ones that are just make you look like you're drowning in scarf. Yes, I did just say that. Also, I like the fact that the fringed bits have spaces between them instead of them being right next to each other and really squashed because then your outfit just looks a bit crazy and overpowered by fringyness. This is 110gbp, so, window shopping is fun. 
I love this jumper because all of the other acne jumpers are plain colours and a bit boring but this has a plain background but a really cool print off-centre. I just really like it and it has a really clean finish on the seams which is also really cool. It's 260gbp though so again, I think I'll stick to admiring acne, not admiring it on me. 

That's the top 4 on my wishlist, believe me, I could go on but you might get a bit bored. I really recommend having a click on any of the product names so you can see acne's website but let me warn you; some of the clothes are a bit weird (as in they're nice but you wouldn't really wear them in every day life). They're like those clothes you see on catwalks these days that are a it...odd. 
Byeee x

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