So as I have mentioned in my other post, I luvvvvvvvv books! When people say thinks like, "Oh I haven't read a book for like 2 years" or, "Ugh I hate reading!", I look at them blankly for a while then walk away. However, I do know that there are a lot of books out there that you just cant get your teeth into ( not literally), you don't get sucked into the story line. It is so frustrating when you find that type of book so today I am going to give you some book reviews!
" Anna Dressed in Blood" is written by Kendare Blake and is a Horror book Anna is a ghost, murdered a long time ago. She kills people. Cas is a ghost hunter. He kills ghosts. Anna has had a curse put on her that anyone who came into her house, she would have to kill. When Cas and his friends come in, she doesn't kill them. That gets Cas's attention. They soon fall in love and it is a love to DIE for. i recommend this book for people between 12 and 16. Obviously, it depends how advanced you are a as a reader. This is a very grabbing book but I am not very good at writing grabbing summarties. I highly recommend this. I aso recommend the sequel! Girl of Nightmares but I am half way through reading it!
The Mortal Instruments
That was a little spoiler alert for tomorrows post... So, I am not going to say that much except that there are 6 books in The Mortal Instruments series.
City of Bones
City of Ashes
City of Glass
City of Fallen Angels
City of Lost Souls
City of Heavenly Fire.
They are about.. these people... who do this thing.. basically, just look at my post about it tomorrow, I will put a link for it here.
The Fault in Our Stars is by John Green and is a romance novel with Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. Now I am sure pretty much all of you have either heard of the book or the movie... or the song. It is about a girl called Hazel Grace who has cancer. One day, she goes to a cancer support group and meets Augustus Waters. They fall in love and go on a wild adventure but when disaster strikes, can they stay loyal to each other? Again... I can't really write summaries.
And That is all I've got for you guys today! I am really sorry I didn't say more but I was doing my secret project!
See ya later, Alligator
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