Hiya Chummies!
I just came back from Dubai on the plane... god it was awful. Since I was little, I have had a habit of sleeping for takeoff and landing and during the flight I have been wide awake and cranky as hell! My brain always seems to go into depression mode on flights and I always think about the bad things in life and everything and everyone that makes me mad and upset. I then mourn in silence for however long I have stuck in that hell whole... Cheery huh? I am going to share with you my experiences of flights. The ups and the downs, the escape plans and the breakdowns. Let me describe my Dubai flight first.

It was miserable. I was in economy which I didn't mind but I got really angry when they gave me egg for dinner. I HATE egg. Uh... Just writing about it is making me queazy. So I didn't have any dinner. Also, for lunch they gave me a fruit salad with kiwi in it! a). In America it's a silent rule that if you need to feed a child you don't know you don't give them nuts or kiwi. b). Who puts kiwi in a fruit salad for people they don't know!!!!!!! ( incase you don't know, I am really badly allergic to kiwi and am in risk of anafalactic shock- basically dying...ish
search it up!
I know that people always complain about people kicking your seat and that is mostly done by small, annoying young, nose picking little boys. But you get to a whole new level when someone is constantly opening and closing their front pocket the whole time! When you are doing it, you don't really realize that you are, in theory, pulling and pushing at someone's back! The guy behind me clearly doesn't read my blog because it was like, every time he read a word, he put his book away then got it out again for the next word! ( not a very sufficient reading process if you ask me...).
Then you get to the awkwardness of when you are either travelling alone or separated from your travelling buddy on the plane and you need the loo. They are most likely asleep, watching those tiny tvs or eating and you can never pluck up the courage to ask them to move! Is it just me, or does it seem like your seating neighbours have infinite bladders? Also, it seems to me that the only time I EVER need the loo is when the seatbelt sign is on??? uhhhhh!! middle class problems...
I just want to apologise for not posting lately before I carry on because I have actually been working on and off on this post for a week or two, it is just taking so long! So I won't bore you with this post for much longer.
The complaining flyer:
There was a man sitting a few seats away from me breaking pretty much as many rules as he could. He had his feet up, seat back,laptop up, no seatbelt... and that was just for take off... Members of staff kept on coming over but couldn't tell him off because they had 'done something unspeakable!' ( apparently ) From what I gathered, something happened like, he booked a business class seat and there was an overflow in business so he was moved to economy. He was very clear on the fact that the airways company ( I'm not saying who I flew with because I actually really like the company!) did everything wrong and that he would NEVER be flying with them again..... ha ha ha!
When we collected our baggage, we waited for 45 minutes until ours came out! ( bearing in mind we had fast passes on our cases) so we got really bored and there was a huge spillage of wine/vinegar all around the conveyer belt and it was mank!
That's all I'm going to bore you with this time ,
See ya' later, Alligator